He also likes helping me out every now and then. When I am thirsty he brings me something to drink and helps me hold my cup for me. Now thats a nice cousin.
I also liked playing with my cousin Luke. We were pretend playing. He was the banker and post office and I rode my car around and ran my errands taking my money to the bank and running to the post office. Mom had to help me a little because apparently my driving isn't the greatest.
I guess we will have to see what happens next weekend. Who knows what I'll do, maybe I'll go combining with grandpa.
This is the worst position. I'm suppose to lift my head and prop up on my elbows.
This is more like it!
That's how you're supposed to eat cake. Isn't it?
I had such a good time. I got some great presents, but my favorite is my bean bag. I like to sit in it a lot. It's nice and soft. I was so worn out by the end that I went to bed as soon as everyone left and slept the whole night.
Can you believe I am already one year old and can't hold my head up yet. Who would of thought that. I may not be able to hold my head up yet but I prefer it that way. I'm working on it and I will hold it up when I am good and ready. Don't rush me. Anyways I got to spend my birthday working on holding my head up. My therapist ended up having to come in the morning and ruin my birthday for me. But I cooperated and worked hard and held my head up for several seconds with some help. After she left I got to spend the rest of the morning with mom and dad. We got to play and have fun. Then they both had to go to work, so I got to spend the rest of the day at my cousins Luke and Drew's house. I got to watch Luke ride his bike without training wheels and crash a few times and of course watching Drew play. I even got to eat some ice cream and man was it good. Overall I had a pretty good birthday but this weekend is going to be the best part of my birthday because that is when my party is going to be. And I get to open up all my presents.