Thursday, April 27, 2006
9 months

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Now that were on the topic of sweets. My speech therapist brought me a sucker yesterday during therapy. I guess she thinks I am doing really good. But later I found out that it was actually for therapy. She wants me to get my tongue stronger. Because sometimes when I am eating food I like to push it out with my tongue. She said most babies do that but a way to work on that is by sticking your tongue in and out. So that is what the sucker was really for, but I got to taste it and man was it good. I was sticking my tongue in and out the whole time. I think she is going to be my favorite therapist.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Go, Go, Stop

I've learned a new game. I like to imitate other peoples voices. Well it's more like they say something and I come back with "uh". But dad tells me to go and then we go back and forth and when he says stop, I stop. I stop almost everytime. I know I am just so smart. But I really like playing it and we play all the time.
I worked really hard today. And by that I mean supervising. Mom, dad and I worked outside all day today. We first went over to Grandma Vickie's and helped her in her yard. But that wore me out after awhile and I took a little nap. But then we came home and worked some more outside. But of course I just watched and played with the neighbors dog. He liked licking my feet. I am sure I'll sleep good tonight.
Friday, April 21, 2006
1st Tractor Ride

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Pics of Easter

Luke, Drew and Dave feeding the sheep.

Mom and me hunting easter eggs.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
1st Easter

Then that evening I got to go to my Aunt Doris and Uncle Dick's house. I also got to see my other cousins Nick and Joe. They sure can eat a lot. I got to tell Doris all about what I did earlier and I wouldn't stop talking. I just kept telling her the same story over and over.
On Sunday, I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's on the farm. And got to see my Aunt Jen and Uncle Jason. I almost forgot who they were it's been so long. I think Jen is going to be my favorite aunt because she feeds me sweets. She fed me this cream cheese dessert and man was it good! I'm going to be up all night long.
Thursday, April 13, 2006

I usually enjoy being outside except when the sun is in my eyes. Mom takes me for a stroller ride everyday and that is a lot of fun and is also relaxing. I sometimes fall asleep it is so relaxing. We always stop by the neighbors and visit with her dog Gracie. She used to bark everytime I went by but now she doesn't mind when I cross her tracks.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Not happy :(

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
It's supper time
Where's my supper?

What was that?

Monday, April 03, 2006
1st haircut

I got my first haircut last night. As you can see from the picture I needed one. My curls were getting out of control. Mom liked the curls and wasn't ready to cut them off but dad talked her into it. Mom just wanted to trim the curls so they were still there but dad got a hold of the clippers and went to town. Now I look like a big boy instead of a cute baby with curls. Now no one will mistake me for a girl. You would think wearing a blue shirt that says "Gone Fishing" means that I am a boy, but some people are just stupid (like the lady in Walmart who asked if I was a boy or a girl). Well of course mom said I was a boy. And was nice enough to say 'Its hard to tell at that age'. So last night dad cut off all my curls and now I am a big boy. I'll show you the pictures later when mom gets them developed.
I also got to spend a lot of time outside this weekend. I helped mom clean up the yard and burn sticks. I loved being outside except when the neighbor started mowing her yard. It was really noisy. Then when dad got home I got to play catch with him and mom. Well I mainly watched. But it was still fun.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Early one day, late the next
I will sleep when I want to sleep and play when I want to play. That is the rule at my house. I decided to sleep in today until my mom woke me up at 9:30. I was sleeping so good too. I wasn't ready to wake up but she made and told me I had a big day ahead of me. I was going to get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mom and dad both had to do that work thing. Then I got excited and decided to wake up. Maybe grandpa will take me on a tractor ride. I keep hearing about those but I'm not sure what's in store for me. Grandma keeps telling me it has to be warm enough outside before I get to go. We'll see (maybe I'll talk grandpa into giving me one).
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Another one