Thursday, June 02, 2011

Catching Up

So I have quite a bit to catch up on. It has been crazy busy around here and blogging has been the last thing on my mind.

Summer vacation is officially here for Tyler. His last day of school was May 20. Can you believe that he is a 1st grader? I sure can't. Where has the time gone?

The last week of school was busy with school parties and track/field day. I wasn't quite sure what Tyler would be able to participate in during track/field day. But his teachers and classmates stepped up and made sure that Tyler was a part of it. He did have to sit out on a few of the activities, like squirrel tag, three legged race and tug-of-war. But he still loved watching all the kids run around. Tyler did get participate in the 50 yard dash, relay and obstacle course.

Ben & Tyler

Tyler & Kade during the obstacle course.

All the boys in Tyler's class getting ready to run the 50 yard dash.

Stephen & Kade pushing Tyler to the next event.

Tyler & his teacher, Ms. Schroeder

His teachers always tell me when I pick Tyler up from school that all the kids adore him and always want to be his helper for the day. I love hearing that but sometimes wondered if they were telling me this to make me feel better. But I got to witness it on track/field day. Before all the kids went outside, Ms. Schroeder went around the classroom and asked the kids what they are looking forward to the most today. A lot of the kids said 'everything', some said 'to see my mom & dad' and others said 'to play with my friends'. But then there were 2 boys that said 'to help Tyler and to be Tyler's helper'. Oh my, my eyes got a little teary when I heard that. Maybe that's my pregnancy hormones kicking in, LOL!


Another event that happened during the last week of school was a school recognition party that his special ed teacher and paraprofessionals hosted. There are 9 kids in his special ed classroom and they range from Kindergarten to 5th grade. His teacher, Ms. Shelly, was going to have 3 of those kids 'graduate' to the next building (Middle School). So this night was honoring those 3 that she has taught for the last 6 years. It was very special and another teary-eyed moment.

Tyler with his teacher Ms. Shelly

Tyler with his para's (Ms. Misty & Ms. Kia)

Did I mention how much I appreciate Tyler's school and all of his teachers. They are truly the best!!


Kristen said...

That is such a great feeling!!

Lisa Christine said...

I understand the feeling - all the kids at Elisabeth's school beg to be her helper and push her wheelchair for the day. It always warms my heart!