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I forgot to mention that yesterday I got to go to school. Well not really. If you don't know, I have been receiving my therapy through First Steps. But that program is only from birth to 3 years of age. Once I turn 3, the school will take over. So in August when school starts up, I will go there. It is their Early Childhood program. So yesterday, I got to go and meet everybody and see a classroom. It was pretty cool. Mom was kind of nervous, because she likes the therapy that I am getting now and is hoping that will carry over into the schools. She's heard some bad stories. But after the meeting she was more comfortable and somewhat excited. We will definitely miss our other therapists but hopefully I will still be able to see them on the side, in addition to the therapy that I will get at school. I will find out in May when I will go and how often. They have to do some tests and evaluations first. I hope I do good!
I finally have started to feel much better and sleeping better. I finally slept through the night last night without waking up coughing. Hopefully its all downhill from here.
Well I had my 2 1/2 year old checkup today. The nurse weighed me and I gained only 2 ounces in 6 months. I weigh 18 lbs 5.5 oz. I didn't get any taller either. I am still 32.5 inches tall. Oh well. I am just going to be a tiny guy. Since I was just there last Friday because of the flu, the doctor asked how I was feeling. I told him I was feeling a little better. I have no more fever, just a nasty cough. So he listened to my lungs. And guess what? I have pneumonia. I thought I was getting better but apparently not. I am not contagious, so I am still going to Ms Becky's tomorrow.
Well, I seemed to have come down with the flu. I stayed home from the babysitters on Thursday - not because I was sick but Ms Becky's daughter had pneumonia. I felt just fine. So I got to stay home with dad. Then Thursday night I got a high fever and I still had it Friday morning. So I got to stay home again but this time with mom. She wasn't feeling the greatest either. My fever went down a little bit, but after lunch mom decided to call the doctor and he said to come on in and he will check me out. He listened to my lungs and said they sounded clear. He also did an influenza test. I do not recommend it. He stuck a big 'o Q-tip up my nose and not just a little bit but far. It was very uncomfortable. The test came back fine. So he sent me to Cape Radiology to get a chest x-ray. After the x-ray, we headed back to the doctors office, and the doctor looked at the x-ray and of course it was fine. This was starting to sound very familiar. (If anybody remembers, last March I had a high fever and spent 12 hours in 2 different ER's trying to find out what was wrong and we never found an answer.) So after the doctor got the x-rays back and saw they were fine, he doubled checked the influenza test. And he said I ended up having a mild case of the flu. Why he didn't see that the first time I don't know. So he wrote a presciption for Tamiflu and sent us on our way. My fever ended up breaking Friday night. And now I just have a bad cough. I was up all last night coughing. Hopefully tonight will be better.
Hi everyone, I wanted to let everyone know that I was so big in therapy today. I didn't do anything spectacular in speech therapy BUT in physical therapy today I did. I was on my belly and I lifted my head up all by myself and held it there for a few seconds. I did not only do this once but 6 different times. Ms Cathlyn and mom was so proud of me. I have done this before but it has been awhile and I have never done it that many times during a therapy session. And then after that I rolled from my belly to my back. I thought maybe if I did all of that I would be done. I was wrong. I was worn out the rest of the therapy time.
I finally got to use one of my Christmas presents. I got a platform swing for Christmas, but I haven't got to use it yet because mom and dad were arguing on where to put it up at in the basement. Guess what? They finally decided and put it up. And I LOVE it!! I got to swing a lot today. I have a feeling I will be using it a lot. If anyone wants to come a swing with me they can - its a lot of fun!
In therapy this week, I did something amazing again. If you don't remember, last week Ms Terri played a matching game with me - and I matched two different objects. This week, I did it again. I couldn't believe it. I am also getting closer to holding my head up. I can hold it for about 20 seconds by myself with only a little trunk support. Before you know it, I am going to be all over the place.
Hope everyone had a great New Year. I guess I did. I almost made it to the New Year. I fell asleep about 11:30. I don't think I missed too much. I didn't make any New Year resolutions, because if you really think about it - no one ever keeps them. But I do hope to be able to hold my head up and sit up by myself this year. Good luck to anyone who did make a resolution.