6 years ago today was one of the proudest moments of my life. It was the day Tyler was born. Finding out Tyler's diagnosis early in my pregnancy helped me prepare for that day, six years ago. There was many mixed emotions of happy, scared and worried. But overall, I was overjoyed to finally meet my son. We still had the unknown, is he going to make it, how severe is the hydro going to affect him, etc. But we knew that once he was here, we could and will do everything we can to help him.
As soon as I saw him for the first time, my heart melted. He was perfect in my eyes. And over the past 6 years, he has brought so much happiness and love. I still can't believe it's been 6 years. Seriously, I mean that's a whole other hand to count on now.
Happy 6th Birthday, Tyler!!!

6 wonderful years of Tyler! Now that's a reason to celebrate!!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Tyler! Have your mom and dad take you to Toys R Us soon to spend your gift card. Love ya, Aunt Tresa
Happy 6th Birthday, Tyler! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Tyler! You have accomplished so much in your six years - just look at you sitting and that head control! I hope you had a wonderous and happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Tyler!! Your Mom has been such an inspiration to me. Hope you can meet Noah some day!
--Sandy McBride
Slightly late happy wishes! He sure looks good in those photos. Barbara
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