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Guess what? I went to the doctor yesterday and I actually gained weight. In fact about a half a pound. I am not sure how I did it because it seems like I have been throwing up a lot to have gained that much. But who cares because I am gaining. I also got some more good news, my ear infection is gone. I even celebrated by not sleeping at all last night. Mom even called into work because she had to stay up with me all night. I think I slept MAYBE 2 hours last night. Even though I didn't sleep last night, I really have been in a good mood all day and haven't slept to much today either. I only took about a 2 hour nap all day. So I will probably sleep pretty good tonight. I don't think mom will like me if I stay up again because she can't afford to stay home another day.
Man, what a busy week! I went to the babysitters as normal Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. But since Thursday was Thanksgiving I spent it with all of my relatives and then the rest of them on Friday. I got to see all my aunts and uncles and all of my cousins. I think I might be getting an overload of my Aunt Jen. She has came down from St Louis 3 weeks in a row. Well, maybe not because I sure do like when she comes down because she spoils me and holds me all the time. You can never get enough of that.
Then on Friday, I spent the whole day over at my grandma Vickie's. My Aunt Tresa, Uncle Huts and Aunt Annie all came down and also Ollie and Tori. So there was some more spoiling to be done. My cousin Tori I think is a little jealous because when Aunt Tresa was holding me she had to be right there in her lap too. Ollie would come over and talk to me sometimes and I would just smile at him. I was very good both days but man am I glad it is over because I was exhausted.
Well I got another surprise this weekend. I got to see my Aunt Jen AGAIN! She came down this weekend of course just to see me. I also got to go shopping with my mom, grandma and aunt Jen. We went to all of the craft fairs this weekend and man was that a lot of fun. Yeah right! But I was on my best behavior and just rode around in my stroller the whole time. I was so exhausted I couldn't sleep that night. I have been eating okay this week. Every now and then I just decide to throw up. I don't think that Pedisure settles in my stomach very well. But hopefully I am getting enough to gain some weight before I go back to the doctor. We'll see.
Well I didn't start the weekend off very well. I had a followup appointment with the doctor on my ear infection on Friday. And well its still here. So he put on a stronger antibiotic. I also had to get more shots...again. But now I think I am done with those for awhile. On another note, they also weighed me, and I LOST 2 oz. The doctor isn't sure why I am losing weight but I am. So he told me to drink as much Pedisure as possible. Which that continued the rest of the bad weekend. I have had Pedisure before but not that much at a time. It did not settle in my belly very well but yet sometimes it did. So when it didn't, everything that I drank and the food from before all came back up. And it tasted much better going down than back up. I also got to stay at Grandpa and Grandma's house again because dad was out of town hunting and mom had to work. And with everything going on you can guess that I wasn't on my best behavior. I stayed up all night for them. I even made them miss church because I stayed up so late. Between not sleeping and throwing up, I don't know if I'll be invited back.
I hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween. I sure did. As you can see I was a football player. And not just a football player but a Chiefs football player named Priest Holmes. Of course I am a Chiefs fan because my dad is and well I didn't have much of a choice. But I would of liked them even if my dad wasn't a fan. I had an exhauting Halloween night. I first went over to see my Grandma Vickie and Uncle Dale. Then I went over to my cousins house and saw everybody over there. But on the way over I decided I better take a little nap. And that was short lived. Because there was no sleeping when I got there. There was too much going on. By the time I got home I was exhausted. I was so exhausted that I couldn't sleep. Which was fine because I didn't have to get up early this morning.