Monday, October 04, 2010

Day 4 continued...

Well Tyler ended up not taking a nap but we still made it out to the rooftop garden of the hospital. It is so peaceful and beautiful up there. When Tyler was born and we spent 3 weeks in the hospital, Travis and I spent many hours in the garden. It was a place where you can clear your mind and/or just think and pray. I started to add the images to the blog and there was just too many, so I thought it would be easier to put them in a slideshow. Sorry there is no music attached.

Here's a few other pictures from our time in the hospital. And the video that didn't downloaded from my post the day before.

Tyler sitting in a wheelchair for the 1st time after surgery. It's a little big for him so we had to modify it with a LOT of pillows. The PT didn't think his personal Kid Kart would be wide enough for his cast. We ended up trying it the second time and it worked well, if ours didn't work we were going to have to take this big monster wheelchair home with us. So thank the Lord we don't have to do that.
Tyler watching the balls fall.
Video that was suppose to be in the post the day before but it kept timing out on me and I forgot to delete the sentence about it before I posted. So here it is, Tyler "passing time".

1 comment:

Lisa Christine said...

That garden is perfect! what a great place to go to escape for a while.

And dear little Tyler...I love that he just smiles through it all.