5 years ago
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
No cavities and No beans
I went to the dentist for the first time today and he told me my teeth are looking good and cavity free. Whooohoo!!!! When I first met the doctor he had to count all of my fingers to make sure I didn't bite any of them off before he stuck his finger in my mouth. Silly guy!! He then proceeded to count my teeth on the bottom and then on the top. He was glad to tell me I have all my teeth and that they all look good. So he sent me on my way after giving me a sticker, a new toothbrush and a toy. Since I was so good at the dentist, mom even treated me to breakfast at Burger King. I got to eat some yummy biscuits and gravy.
I bet you are wondering from the title where the no beans comes in to play. Well, we found out last week that I am allergic to beans. Kind of weird don't ya think. I have never heard of a bean allergy but all I can say it is no fun. My allergic reaction has never been severe. I just either swell up around the eyes and mouth and sometimes get little red bumps around my mouth. This has happened to me 3 different times and we have never been able to pinpoint it until last week. The last time was a bit more than just the swelling, my airway even swelled up a little but never to a point of being scared and taking me to the hospital. It was kind of like when you have a cold and are a bit congested. My mom gave me some Benadryl and I was back to breathing normal in about an hour. So from now on, NO BEANS!!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Pre-K Graduation
So the other night, I graduated from pre-school. Can you believe it, they are actually going to send me to kindergarten. My mom says I am growing up too fast. I got to "stand" up on stage with the rest of my class, sing of few songs and got to have my name called out. I wasn't a big fan of when everybody clapped for us after we got done singing or when people cheered for us after our name was called. I got a little upset and cried because I hate when there are sudden outbursts or loud noises. But I survived.

Friday, May 07, 2010
Prayer Request
I would like to send out a prayer request for one of my friends. Her name is Cayman and has had a few scary moments the last couple of days. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Play Day
Yesterday was Play Day at my school. It was sunny and hot, but a lot of fun! We got to swing, play in the bubbles, play silly carnival games, eat popsicles, jump in a big bouncy gym and play with sidewalk chalk.
Playing in the bubbles.We are listening to the directions for the carnival games.
Going thru an obstacle course carrying a spoon with a ball on it and trying not to drop it.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Batter Up
I got to do another first again yesterday. I played in my first t-ball game. It was so much fun. I got to play in the outfield, hit the ball off the tee and even "run" the bases (with a little help from dad). The best part was running the bases though. I thought it was funny rolling over all the bumps in the dirt. And another cool thing is that our team name is the Cardinals, which is my favorite team.

Good thing I was paying attention someone hit it in my direction and my teammates helped me out. They even gave me the ball and I got to run it in since it was the last play of the game.
Good game everybody.
Try to not listen to that squeaky voice in the background (mom can be so annoying sometimes...ugh).
Let's Play Ball!
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