Sunday, March 13, 2011

We FINALLY have a hole!

I kind of jumped the gun and jinxed ourselves when I said that we were breaking ground 3 weeks ago. I know some of you have been wondering and asking since then, "how's the house coming along" and I have had to answer in a very disappointing voice that no we haven't started yet. The plan was to start several weeks ago but when Jay, our builder, got out there the day he wanted to start, he decided the ground was still too wet. And since then the weather has not been our friend and been cooperating.

Travis even told me when I posted that we were breaking ground that I shouldn't have and it's gonna come back and bite me in the butt. I hate to say it but he was right.

Thursday (which was also my birthday), we got a call from Jay who said they were going to start digging our basement the next day. WHAT?!? Are you serious? This could not have been a better birthday present.

I was extremely happy but also didn't want to get my hopes up too much, since we know what happened last time. So then Saturday afternoon we drove out to our land and found this...
It's so exciting that we finally started and hopefully in about 6 months we will be able to have a home of our own...again!


Michelle said...

I'm sooooo excited for you!

Kristen said...

Oh I am so thrilled for you guys!! It's a great feeling to have a home of your own. And to be building...well that's at the top of my all-time best experiences I can imagine in life!! I would love to do that. Someday. :)

I am so glad you are bringing us along on the journey. I will be hoaning in like a kid at Disney Land.

Lisa Christine said...


I can SO relate to 'the wait'. Every time we think we have our plans all ready and our lot chosen, something happens and we have to start all over.

But - I think we really are getting closer now to breaking ground on our own house.


I can't wait to see yours grow from the ground up. I hope you'll post weekly pictures of the progress :)